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Our Bodies mirrored by our feet

As Reflexologists we work with the principal that the body is mirrored through our feet, using this principal we can apply a variety of different treatments.

Treatments available

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​Reflexology is a complementary therapy where massage is used to apply pressure to specific areas within the hands, face and feet to help heal the whole person, not just the prevailing symptoms.

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Muscular Reflexology 

Muscular Reflexology â€‹is using a view of reflexology which tests and is able to treat most of the muscular reflexes via the feet.

Reflexology Lymph Drainage

RLD results are similar to Massage for Lymph Drainage (MLD) yet the only requirement of RLD is taking your shoes and socks off.  


Lymph drainage can also help support people with inflammatory and autoimmune disorders with benefits for Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia and  ME.   Trials are currently being carried out for Long Covid.  When the Lymphatic System is not working properly you can feel lethargic and sluggish carrying the extra fluid and toxins, RLD helps the body to eliminate the excess promoting increased energy which in turn can help improve quality of life.

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Peri / Menopause

Reflexology has been evidenced to aid sleep disorders & decrease vasomotor problems (hot flushes), and reduce depression and anxiety all leading to an improvement in quality of life.  Reflexology provides a place of peace for you during a treatment whilst calming the mind and body with a hands-on approach to working reflexes to support the changing cycle of hormones.

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Fertlity & Conception

Reflexology can help and support you and your partner both physically and emotionally, wherever you are in your journey.


Reflexology will provide you with relaxation and stress reduction, this in itself can be beneficial for conception.   Reflexology aims to rebalance and improve flow through the body.

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This is an important time to focus on yourself; if you are well, then you will be able to provide the best care for your developing child/ren.   Reflexology enables you to relax and allows your body to be calm supporting you through the hormonal changes in all 4 trimesters of pregnancy.

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